# Governance Data The Governance section of DIX provides metadata and other information about specific Proposals and Nouns governance. ## Routes ### Proposal by ID Route: /governance/proposal/:id Fetch Proposal data based on Proposal ID #### Response ```jsonc { // Proposal ID "id": 289, // Timestamp that the proposal was created "createdTimestamp": "2023-05-09T16:22:59.000Z", // The block number that voting begins "startBlock": 17260052, // The block number that voting ends "endBlock": 17296052, // The proposal title "title": "Proposal Title", // The proposal body, in markdown "description": "Proposal Body", // The ETA for execution function "executionETA": null, // Maximum bips for quorum "maxQuorumVotesBPS": 2000, // Minimum bips for quorum "minQuorumVotesBPS": 1000, // The contract `proposalThreshold` at the time of proposal "proposalThreshold": 1, // The number of Nouns required to keep this proposal active "nounsRequiredToPropose": 2, // Quorum threshold "quorumVotes": 141, "forVotes": 207, "againstVotes": 118, "abstainVotes": 1, // Total number of Nouns at proposal time "totalSupply": 705, // Coefficient supplied to the quorum function "quorumCoefficient": 1000000, // Targets for actions "targets": ["", ""], // Values passed to proposal actions "values": ["0", "0"], // Signatures of the optional functions being called "signatures": ["", ""], // Call data included in the transaction "calldatas": ["0x", "0x"], // Nouner or delegate that created the proposal "proposer": { // Nouner or delgate address "id": "0xae65e700f3f8904ac1007d47a5309dd26f8146c0", // Number of Nouns delegated to the address "delegatedVotes": 4, // The Nouns that are delegated to the proposer "nounsRepresented": [ { "id": 142, "owner": { "id": "0x859483270ffef2f36dbab6401f858879520d37aa" } } //... ] }, // The proposal state from chain data, see ProposalState Enum // https://github.com/nounsDAO/nouns-monorepo/blob/10bb478328bdb5f4c5efffed9a8c5186f9fe974a/packages/nouns-webapp/src/wrappers/nounsDao.ts#L34-L45 "state": 1 } ``` ### Active Proposals Route: /governance/proposal Fetch all current active proposals ### Proposals In Cancel Danger Route: /governance/proposal/cancelDanger Fetch all active proposals where the proposer has fewer Nouns delegated to them than are required, putting the proposal in danger of being canceled by a third party. ### Proposal Threshold Route: /governance/proposalThreshold Fetch the current minimum number of Nouns to create a proposal in the Nouns DAO