# Ethereum Address Data Fetch data about Ethereum addresses and perform ENS related actions. ## ENS Routes DIX provides functions to perform forward and reverse resolution of ENS names and Ethereum addresses. ### Resolve ENS Name Route: /address/ens/:ensName Attempt to resolve an ENS name to its Ethereum address. ### Reverse-Resolve Address to ENS Name Route: /address/ens/:ethereumAddress Attempt to reverse-resolve an Ethereum address to an ENS name. ## Synth Noun Routes Turn an Ethereum address or ENS name into a synthetic Noun. Synthetic Nouns use Ethereum address data to generate a Noun seed similar to how the Nouns contracts build Nouns from chain-data. ### Synth Name for ENS Name Route: /address/synth/:ensName Generate a synth Noun from an ENS name. This route attempts to resolve the ENS name to an Ethereum address and will derive a synth Noun from the address. The route returns the image in SVG format by default, append `.png` to the end of the URL to receive a PNG. ### Synth Name from Address Route: /address/synth/:ethereumAddress Generate a synth Noun from an Ethereum address. The route returns the image in SVG format by default, append `.png` to the end of the URL to receive a PNG.